Tuesday, November 17, 2009

2 weeks?? Oops!

Wow, folks.

I start off with an apology: I am deeply sorry for how much my life has been consumed by work, because it means I've not been doing a lot of things I like to do. For one, I haven't written in this blog for almost 2 weeks. Also, I haven't knit anything since I finished my adored hat. I have not seen my college friends, even though they are amazing and everywhere. I haven't even seen that many work friends, although I have, because when I'm not working, I've been going to the bar with work friends.

So, some highlights since November the 4th (which was election day last year!!!)

My dear friend Ellie came to Minnesota from Barcelona, Spain, to attend a community arts conference. She was a lovely guest on our couch, and unfortunately was jetlagged and recovering from the Swine Flu, (and she is not a going-out-to-the-bar kind of lady), and so we had many nights in. I did finally watch Up! As it turns out, there were three people left in the state of Minnesota, aka my group of friends and family, who had not seen Up. These three people were me, Ellie, and my friend Anthony. We all happened to be in the same place, after going out for Vietnamese food (yum, as always). So, we rented Up. I cried a lot. Made some jokes about the cone of shame, and Doug the dog. And that crazy bird. And aging. And life long love. Awww shucks, what a movie.

Other movies of the weekend were Rachel Getting Married, (loved it, but what was with the Indian wedding? Just because they are a rich Connecticut family, and Tunde from TV on the Radio is in it, they get to appropriate Indian culture?! Bah!) Also, Babe! Sarah and Zach and I watched Babe, and we just had a hoot.

In other news, I have begun a Thursday is the New Friday tradition with work friends, since we don't go to school on Friday. What. A. Good. Idea. It makes Thursday feel so much more final, and very refreshing. A trip to the bar, some fried food, and board games? You can't really go wrong there.

Only one week until Thanksgiving! Fabulous!

This post has not been about food at all. Dammit.

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