Sunday, November 1, 2009

"Do you feel any difference?"

The answer is... not really. No. But I'm still planning on giving it a full month. So far it's been 2.5 weeks. We shall continue to see!

I realize it's been about a week since I posted. The reason being: work! We had a huge deadline last week, and I was working long days, and needed to unwind with Arrested Development, tea, and little else.

However, on Tuesday I did finally make the squash and corn pudding dish. YUM. It was a huge success. The corn pudding was very light, but very flavorful. The squash was cooked perfectly: not too soft, not too hard, but enough texture to make each bite really substantial. There was not a lot of room in each acorn squash half, though, so I did have a considerable amount of corn filling left over, which I baked in a muffin tray!

Wednesday dinner was... nothing, actually. I had some snacks, because I was at the office until 10. That was kind of a bummer.

Thursday! A salad with chicken and goat cheese. Nothing special.

Ah, but Friday. Friday was a big day at the office, and ordered some Pad Thai, and then came home and made a scrumptious little pasta sauce and gf pasta. So good. And thank goodness, because there were leftovers, which were my only sustenance on Saturday at work. AP bought everyone pizza, but alas, my request for a food substitute went unanswered, and so I was very glad I had the pizza leftovers.

Last evening, Halloween, me and the roommates were hankering for some pho. So, it was off to Quang for a delicious beef pho. There is so much in the bowl that I brought it home and ate it for lunch today (lunch was at 3 - it was a late start to the day).

And, for dinner, I experimented with a new recipe. Braised lentils, kale, and a fried egg! Hm!
Mmmmore kale! The dish was really yummy, although I didn't think the flavor of the lentils really mixed that well with the garlic in the kale. However, the kale was scrumptious, and the fried egg on top left it feeling really tasty and rich. Delicious, and super healthy!

Lastly, I realize I am starting to miss the baked goods, etc. Sarah made biscuits this morning, and I was so bummed I couldn't eat them. I am missing the idea of bread as a base to put other things on. So, I shall need to find a substitute. On a positive note, most Halloween candies are still fair game!!

And, approaching midnight, it is time for bed, and to begin another long week. At least we don't have any more Saturday obligations for a while... other than the campus visits I signed myself up for. Darn!

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