Tuesday, October 20, 2009




Sarah made bread pudding, and I tried a bite. It was really good, but my conscience was mad at me. No more trying things.

(it was only a bite, I promise. then I nibbled on the apples on top. mmm apples).

Followed up by a . . . PASSION PIT DANCE PARTY! If you haven't heard them, do it. It is amazing. So good for dancing. Especially in our extra-large, extra danceable kitchen.

In other news, things I need to do or use:
sage and butter sauce for something
lamb (thanks Annie)
apples (Sarah's friend Gillian just dropped off an entire bag of homegrown delicious apples)

Also, today was my first time back in the yoga studio after the bike accident. It felt good, but my body is tired, and out of practice. But the woman there was very accommodating. I will try and go back every Tuesday.

Dinner tonight was:
Asparagus, onion, mushroom, and pepper stir fry with brown rice and quinoa. Also, wine. Enjoyed on the couch with Arrested Development, which is always a favorite.

We are about to welcome Sarah's brother and girlfriend to the house for a few days - this will be very fun!! More later. If I don't get attacked by my angry bread-laden conscience (I swear, conscience, it was ONLY a bite!)

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