Sunday, October 25, 2009

Public transit, families, and coffee shops

I've fallen into a routine of spending a considerable amount of time at coffee shops on the weekends getting ahead on work. A friend told me, "don't work too hard", and I explained that this is my way of not working too hard. If I can get ahead on the weekends, then I can go home at the end of the day feeling not feeling obligated to work past 7 pm. Which I am never a fan of, let's be honest.

So, I've spent the last three Saturday afternoons at one of my favorite Twin Cities spots, the May Day Cafe. The May Day is a wonderful spot, and is hard to describe. It is 1 part house, 3 parts community hang out spot, 2 parts kids play zone, 2 parts art gallery, and 4 parts delicious. Unfortunately for me this week, they are always producing and displaying the most decadent and scrumptious looking desserts. The May Day, while very welcoming to all people of all backgrounds (they are really quite intentional about this, and it's fabulous), has not made the foray into GF baked goods, which is understandable, obviously, but too bad for me! So, I go, I drink my coffee, watch the treats, and wait for the day that they make a cheesecake and I leave the crust behind.

With the onslaught of the Hini (we call the swine flu hini at work, because it is funnier), I feel like everyone around me is questioning their health. I sadly fall into this category - I've not felt 100% for a couple of days. Slightly dehydrated, slightly scratchy throat. Sarah had a cold, so maybe that's part of it. I am just hoping I can avoid the bug, and not get a debilitating sickness (although how nice would it be to knit all day!)

We ate some really terrible Mexican food at my job's fall gathering, but the atmosphere was lovely, and there were corn tortillas, so I was content. Late that night, after much boozing on my friends' parts (I was DD, thank you very much), we made a stop to the Uptown Diner for some late night breakfast. This was fabulous: hash browns, bacon, and eggs. How can you go wrong? Saturday morning, after catching up on sleep (also after being woken up by students texting me at 7:30 AM the morning of the ACT...), I went to Victor's Cafe for brunch with Rob. Corn tortillas, fried plantains, eggs over easy, and homefried potatoes. Yum yum YUM. I always feel like a million bucks when I leave Victor's. And, there are so many GF options - you can swap out the toast for corn tortillas, but you still get the guava jam. Rob had the Cajun Scrambler: plantains, black beans, 3 eggs scrambled, and cheese. Also, he got a side of chorizo, and we were both very full and happy.

All in all, the weekend has been a food success and also let down. I still haven't really cooked... maybe that will start tomorrow. But I have been eating lots of good food. My dear friend Asa is having a Monochromatic Meal of the Month tonight (orange), and I might have time to prepare something, but I will definitely at least stop by. I'm also going to a pumpkin carving party in a minute, and perhaps will get to eat some orange pumpkin. Perhaps I'll bring some with me.

This post is rambly rambly, (apologies), but I have been scattered all day anyway (read: I watched top chef, our plumbing got backed up so we couldn't shower, I took a crazy bus ride to get to St. Paul, which was unnecessary but very nice, have worked on AP stuff and grad school stuff, and a seriously disturbed fellow sat down across from me as I was working, and that threw me for a loop.)

Upcoming things to cook this week, for real:
The acorn squash and corn pudding, referenced earlier.
Coconut chicken noodle soup (with rice noodles instead of egg).

Also, people to cook with *you know who you are*, clear you schedules, because I want to have you at our house for dinner!!

- ah, fall -

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