Sunday, October 18, 2009

Up and Running

Hello readers!

Upon many suggestions from friends, I have decided to start a food blog. I am an avid reader of such blogs, and thought it would be fun to chronicle my adventures with cooking.

While many such blogs already exist, I hope to use mine as a way to stay more disciplined about cooking, too. If I have to write it down, hopefully I'll try more things, too. Also, I want to try a few new projects each week or month, and perhaps along a theme. (Themes seem to make sense if cooking on a tight budget: stock up on a few things, make them go a long way, and reuse leftovers!)

Also, this is inspired currently because I recently began a month-long experiment with gluten free. Gluten intolerance runs in my family, and, after 2 autumns with seasonal affective 'fog', I've decided to try something new and see if it makes a difference.

So, without further ado, I shall begin my culinary adventures!

1 comment:

  1. elyse, this is so exciting!
    you're on my google reader now and i can't wait to read about your cooking adventures!
